
Allergy, Intolerance and Sensitivity Testing

New Zealand

Comprehensive and New Zealand based

Did you know that 1 in every 5 people have an allergy, and 4 in every 5 have an intolerance?

At, we help Kiwis maintain a healthy lifestyle and high vitality, with a wide range of tests suited to every belief and budget.

So you can get back to living life to the fullest. 


Identify your allergies from the comfort of your own home with our comprehensive tests.

Intolerance Tests

Food and drink intolerances are becoming more common everyday, and can affect everything from our breathing, to our skin, our energy levels and our immune system.

Using just a sample of your hair, we can test for over 280 of the most common foods and environmental substances that may be affecting your vitality and well being. Or use our at-home Food Detective™ blood test kit to find out which foods you’re sensitive to.

Allergy Tests’s home allergy testing kits provide highly accurate and reliable results in just 30 minutes. All without having to make a trip to the doctor’s office.

Our Imutest range of home allergy testing kits offer a quick and convenient way to pinpoint exactly what could be triggering your symptoms, so you can change your lifestyle accordingly.

Allergy or intolerance? Choosing the right test for you.

ALLERGIES are a condition involving the immune system, causing a reaction after eating, touching, or breathing various substances. Allergens can come from food, dust, animals, chemicals, or medical drugs - with common symptoms including breathing problems and skin reactions.

INTOLERANCES AND SENSITIVITIES are any adverse physiological reaction to a food, substance, or chemical. They can be much more subtle and difficult to identify, and include symptoms like fatigue, digestive upsets, skin problems, headaches, or recurring infections. 

 Find the right test for you.

What can we test for?

How do you take a hair sample?

How does it work?

Get the answers to these questions and more.

Take the first step to feeling your very best.

Got any questions? Get in touch with the team.